STEM Camp 2019 - Session 1, Day 3 = The Power of Podcasting

Day three of the NSED Academy gave the students the opportunity to interact with the interns that are working at the STEM Camp for the summer. Danny Ballout and Tavieo Miles, Interns who both worked at the STEM Camp last year, introduced the students to a few important features in Windows 7 on the computers they reassembled. The students learned how to locate the control panel and how to get access to the device manager. The control panel displays the various settings on the computer that can be changed by the user. The interns also taught the students how to use the command prompt. The command prompt is a command line interpreter that is available in many Windows operating systems. It allows the user to execute commands that have been entered.

Every day there is a guest speaker that comes in to speak to the students about their preferred field of interest. Today’s guest speaker, Leslie Hayden, is the creator of BangNBest Radio and has been into podcasting for five years. Ms. Hayden took the time to speak to the students about the power of podcasting. She gave the students some great advice about how to start their own podcast, such as learning some editing software and to start off using free resources. Ms. Hayden also made sure that the students understood that the science of podcasting is knowing what they want to create and to make it their own.

Overall, today was a fun day for the students and interns. Getting the chance to interact with each other has strengthened our bond. Not only did the students learn something new, but the interns obtained new knowledge as well. Learning how to start a podcast and how to make revenue from it was very interesting. Every day just keeps getting better, and everyone gains more knowledge than the day before.
Written and Photographed by Onnia Thomas
Majoring in Computer Information Systems, Onnia is a STEM Camp 2019 intern and rising senior at Virginia Union University.