Day seven of the NSED Academy started with the students reviewing the tests they took on competition Friday. After reviewing the answers and getting a better understanding of what they did right and wrong, the students transitioned into coding using the python language on the Raspberry Pi’s. The first project they worked on was the adventure game. The concept of the adventure game is to play as a bunny trying to deliver eggs to Johnny’s basket. The user will type the letters N, E, S, or W to go in the directions north, east, south, or west to find Johnny and his basket. After completing the adventure game, the students started coding the game hangman. In the code, the students typed sixty-one possible words that the user could guess. The user can either guess a word or a letter. When the user types the correct letter, the game will tell the user how many of that same letter is in the word. If the user guesses the wrong letter, the program will tell the user to guess again.

Mr. Keith Norris, the second guest speaker of the STEM Camp returned as the guest speaker for day seven. Mr. Norris brought the students a sunflower seed packer for them to plant after the original plant he gave the students had died. Mr. Norris explained to the students that the seeds should be planted and the process it takes for the plant to grow successfully. The seeds needed to be planted two inches into the soil in order to start its process. After planting the new sunflower seeds, the students got a chance to see the greenhouse that is at the top of Ellison Hall.
Carter, who is a recent graduate of Virginia Union University and lab tech for the summer, spoke to the students about her role as a lab tech in the greenhouse. As a lab tech, she participates in research all while taking care of the greenhouse. Carter explained to the students the many different plants, vegetables, and fruits that are being grown in the greenhouse and how the correct soil can help them grow successfully. Day seven was another successful and eventful day for the students. To wrap up the day, the students were asked to reflect on their day and what they had learned so far.

Written and Photographed by Onnia Thomas
Majoring in Computer Information Systems, Onnia is a STEM Camp 2019 intern and rising senior at Virginia Union University.